![]() Paco Peña in Concert 聆听帕科·佩纳音乐会 ![]() 5 5月11日星期五,40位来自威雅公学的年轻吉他演奏家从校园出发,前往上海参加弗拉门戈吉他大师帕科·佩纳(Paco Peña)的音乐会。在前几周的音乐表演工作坊中,学生们已经预先熟悉了弗拉门戈音乐流派与大师帕克·佩纳相关的知识。当我们亲身来到大师的演奏现场,不禁深深着迷于这最高水准的吉他演奏、震撼灵魂的美妙歌声与曼妙灵动的舞蹈,这大概就是弗拉门戈的最美境界了吧! 在音乐会上,学生们感受了音乐大师们不同形式的演绎,从帕科·佩纳的独奏,到他与歌唱家的双人弹唱,以及他与人数众多的乐队共同演出。精彩绝伦的音乐会结束之际,威雅公学的吉他演奏家代表V Qiu和L Liu上台为帕科·佩纳献上鲜花与威雅公学吉祥物--泰迪熊。 O n Friday the 11th May a group of 40 young guitarists took off for Shanghai to see the flamenco legend Paco Peña in concert. Having learnt about the genre and the maestro himself during the last weeks’ Performance Workshops we were ready to go. Despite this, we were all completely mesmerized by what we got to witness: guitar playing of the absolute highest standard together with soulful singing and incredible dancing – we couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to the wonderful world of flamenco! During the course of the evening we heard the musicians in different constellations, from Paco Peña’s solo works and him playing duets with the singer to the whole band in incredibly intense numbers. And after the concert Maestro Peña was visibly delighted to receive a bouquet of flowers and Wycombe Abbey’s own teddy bear from our guitar pupils V. Qiu and L. Liu. |
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