来自卢森堡的Greg Lamy是一位非常有才华的吉他手。他音乐中纯净美妙的声响蔓延于娴熟的演奏和旋律的氛围之中。 Greg Lamy, from Luxembourg, is a talented guitarist. In his perfect performance and melody, pure and wonderful music is haunting. Greg Lamy Quartet乐队于2003年成立,至今已经发行了四张专辑。他们的音乐凝练而深沉,充满气势又和谐多元,趣味感十足。 Founded in 2003, Greg Lamy Quartet has released four albums so far. Their music is concise, deep, full of vigor and interest, harmonious in diversity. 从欧洲到美国再到巴西,乐队的巡演始终在紧锣密鼓地进行,在卢森堡和国外很多地方都取得了极大的成功。其中,专辑《Meeting》受到了乐评界和公众的一致好评,也是所属唱片公司最畅销的专辑之一。2016年,他们还获得了Music:LX(Luxembourg music export office)授予的爵士类年度最佳涉外艺人奖。 From Europe to the USA and to Brazil, the band has been on its tour intensely. It has achieved enormous success in Luxembourg and places beyond. "Meeting" thereinto has gotten unanimous praise in both music critics and public. It is also one of the best-selling albums in their record company. In 2016, they won the Export Artist of The Year Award in Jazz by Music:LX(Luxembourg music export office). Greg Lamy在四重奏的编制下,通过他的音乐,我们能感知到他一直在设法表达自己的创作能力,同时又深刻地体现了他的创作潜力。与低音提琴手Gautier Laurent、萨克斯手Johannes Müller和鼓手Jean-Marc Robin所完成的《Press Enter》完整地表达了他多元的音乐概念。 Greg Lamy uses quartet to compose music. Through it, we can feel his creativity that he has been trying to show and his huge potential. Cooperate with bassist Gautier Laurent, saxophonist Johannes Müller and drummer Jean-Marc Robin, he expresses his polynary music concept completely in "Press Enter". 《Press Enter》不仅仅是以现代性为标志的专辑,正如曲名《Control Swift》、《Erase》、《Exit》、《Press Enter》所显示的那样。九首歌曲外加一首隐藏曲目《D Blues》,就像是在邀请我们一同踏上一次灵感之旅。 As its song names "Control Swift"、"Erase"、"Exit"、"Press Enter" show, "Press Enter" is far beyond an album symbolized by modernity. With a hidden track, these ten songs seem like inviting us to take a journey of inspiration. 与之前备受好评的专辑《Meeting》不同的是,《Press Enter》作为第四张专辑,是关于爵士乐与布鲁斯的交错探索,进一步拓宽了Greg Lamy Quartet的音乐维度。当听众开始播放《Control Swift》的时候,就可以很迅速的明白Greg Lamy吉他所要指引的方向,既可以作为乐曲的主角,也可作为追随者。 Different from the well-received "Meeting", its fourth album, "Press Enter" is about the interlaced exploration of Jazz and Bruce, widening the musical dimensionality of Greg Lamy Quartet. The audiences can get the direction where Greg Lamy’s guitar guide quickly as soon as they listen to "Control Swift". His guitar can both be a protagonist and follower in the composition. 因此,我们发现它时而沉浸在《There Will Be》、《Le Sujet》等深沉的情绪之中,时而与萨克斯和鼓点在《A.-C.》中对话。《Exit》的布鲁斯和摇摆乐的交织,使我们进入了《Erase》和《Press Enter》的融合。紧接着是《Le chien》,Greg Lamy和他的伙伴之间以一种高超且和谐的方式闪耀着。《Blues for Jane》的密西西比声响以及隐藏曲目《D Blues》完成了一张引人入胜、灵感迸发的唱片。 In this connection, his guitar can immerse in the deep emotion in "There Will Be"、"Le Sujet" sometimes, and dialogue with saxophone and drum in "A.-C.". Intertwined with Blues and Swing music, "Exit" seems like a mix of "Erase" and "Press Enter". And then in "Le chien", Greg Lamy shows an excellent and harmonious cooperation with his partners. With Mississippi sound in "Blues for Jane" and the bonus track "D Blues", a fascinating and inspiring album has come into being. 这张专辑中所体现的Greg Lamy丰富的感知,比任何时候都能更加清晰的揭示他与音乐伙伴之间,在音乐上长达十余年的默契和规划。我们也不得不在音乐的感召下,按下回车,享受《Press Enter》为我们带来的美妙旅程! Holding the abundant perception about Greg Lamy, this album has revealed clearly more than ever the tacit understanding and plan between he and his partners over ten year’s music road. With its calling, we have no choice but to press enter to enjoy the wonderful journey taken by "Press Enter" . 活动详情 Event Info: 时间/Time: 2018年7月15日 21:00 门票/Ticket: 70(ADV)/90(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文) 地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 电话/Tel: 010-64078969 邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com |
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