比伯和海狸究竟结婚了没?这是最近不少歪果仁吃瓜群众纷纷八卦的一件事儿~ 面对沸沸扬扬的已婚传闻,海狸也在社交媒体上回应称自己还没嫁呢 “我理解这些猜测是怎么来的,但我还没嫁呢!” 不过没多久,海狸的伯父、美国著名演员亚历克·鲍德温 (Alec Baldwin) 在接受采访时却表示,小两口已经交换过誓言了 (exchanged vows)。 也有种种传言称,两人已经领证了,但还没正式办婚礼。 但不论结没结婚,两人的恩爱还是照秀的↓↓↓ 最近,小两口还把狗粮撒到了英国女王家门口…… Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin dropped the bombshell that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin were married in New York City last week. So it's no wonder they were the names on everyone's lips when the couple enjoyed their honeymoon — or a holiday — in London amid claims they have tied the knot. The Sorry hitmaker wrapped his arms securely around the waist of his sweetheart and nuzzled her neck as they queued for the London Eye on Tuesday before the singer went onto busk outside of Buckingham Palace. 这两天,比伯和海狸这一对儿出现在了伦敦街头,再次撒起了狗粮↓↓↓ 两人还一起打卡了“伦敦眼”等网红景点↓↓↓ 依然是亲亲抱抱到停不下来的画风↓↓↓ 而海狸手上的“鸽子蛋”还是那么抢镜…… 出游心情很好的比伯,当天还在街边弹起了自己的吉他↓↓↓ 而且还是在英国女王家门口 —— 白金汉宫的外面 ↓↓↓ 不过这画风,感觉真的很像在街头卖艺啊(笑)~ 咳咳,总之,这次的狗粮,各位吃的还服气么?~ |
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