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吉他孤寂的独奏,与梦幻感的延音,自然与器乐共奏风雨雷鸣. ... ... ...

2018-11-8 14:19:20| 发布者: 吉他之家| 查看: 3202| 评论: 2

摘要: 清汤音乐倾心呈献白俄罗斯后摇名团TheLastSighsOfTheWind新专辑《WeAreTrees》中国巡演11月13日北京乐空间11月14日长春音浪11月15日哈尔滨SUBLIVE11月16日福州唯美客MAKERLIVE11月17日深圳B10现场11月18日广州SD11月 ...


白俄罗斯后摇名团The Last Sighs Of The Wind

新专辑《We Are Trees》中国巡演

11月13日 北京 乐空间

11月14日 长春 音浪

11月15日 哈尔滨 SUB LIVE

11月16日 福州 唯美客MAKER LIVE

11月17日 深圳 B10现场

11月18日 广州 SD

11月19日 武汉 VOX

11月20日 长沙 VOX

11月21日 杭州 LOOPY

11月22日 成都 小酒馆万象城店

11月23日 西安 无穹俱乐部

11月24日 沈阳 美帝奇

11月25日 上海 育音堂

The Last Sighs Of The Wind介绍

The Last Sighs Of The Wind(以下简称TLSOTW),风的最后叹息,美丽而忧郁的名字饱含真挚感怀自然万物的赤子之心。他们于2011年在白俄罗斯莫吉廖夫(Mogilev)成立,乐队风格为后摇/氛围音乐,演出编制为双吉他、贝斯、鼓。乐队由四名白俄罗斯少年组成,目前成员包括吉他手Oleg、贝斯手Eugene、吉他手Georgy和鼓手Janis。

TLSOTW首张EP《Thunder in Everyone of Us》(2012)

2012年2月,TLSOTW发表了首张EP《Thunder in Everyone of Us》,这是极其优秀的一组作品,创作出暗藏于每个人内心之中,磅礴、孤寂、安静、悠扬的自然组曲。

TLSOTW《Thunder in Everyone of Us》

首张EP同名曲《Thunder in Everyone of Us》,歌如其名,每个人心中的雷鸣,震撼利落的磅礴雨曲。风雨声开场,琴弦雨滴般流动。弦乐深沉渐起,吉他加速,鼓与雷鸣同时爆裂出厚密音层,自然与器乐共奏风雨雷鸣。另听者听到并感到一种自然共鸣内心的纯粹。

TLSOTW《This Morning》

EP中另外一曲《This Morning》有如温暖晨曦,晶莹温暖,治愈系。

TLSOTW单曲《Sky And Stars Over You》(2013)

2013年10月,TLSOTW发表了单曲《Sky And Stars Over You》,天空星辰,还原寂寥空旷却闪烁美丽的穹顶。吉他孤寂的独奏,与梦幻感的延音,配合弦乐钢琴,谱写了静谧深蓝色,还暗涌着电子节拍的冷与疏离。


TLSOTW首张专辑《We Are Trees》(2017)

2017年6月,暌违四年,TLSOTW终于发表了令乐迷望穿秋水的首张专辑《We Are Trees》。2018年11月,TLSOTW将应清汤音乐的邀请,时隔三年,携全新专辑再次来到中国巡演。


The Last Sighs Of The Wind

Long days can truly take their toll on the mind and body. After it all, we all have our ways to wind down and move on whether it be preparing an easy to make a meal in the microwave, reading a book, or hearing a new piece of music. For me, it’s obviously the latter, and today I truly needing something special so I went to a place I was almost certain to find something to help me out: the instrumental rock section of Bandcamp. And holy fuck did I find something! Coming in the form of the band’s first album, “We Are Trees” is truly something else in more than one way.

It’s something about the world of instrumental rock that really just connects with the soul on a completely different level that it just blows my mind every time I come across it. So many bands can do so much with it, and it’s thanks to that that we can get bands like The Last Sighs of the Wind. Long name, but quite imaginative, potent, and intriguing. Should their name not make you ponder what they sound like, then maybe their simple but striking cover art will. Even if that doesn’t draw you in, you still need to hear what this band has created for their first go at a full-length album. “We Are Trees” is no less than a gripping masterpiece of instrumentalism that’s nigh on impeccable in every sense! Every pluck of the string, each beat, and all the rhythms convey so much emotion without even a voice to tie in all together that it just fucking pulls you in even more to the world that these friends from Belarus craft with no stone left unturned to make “We Are Trees” an album that’s as exciting as it is provoking.

The Last Sighs of the Wind easily shows that they’ve incredible talent to truly make this record one the likes of which does no less than sweep over everyone who listens to it, and if that’s not a sign of a magnificent album then I don’t fucking know what is! Everything that could’ve gone right with this album definitely happens, and I couldn’t be happier. Many would think an album that’s wrapped in an environmental theme would get a little stale, but The Last Sighs of the Wind pulls it off with utmost majesty. “We Are Trees” is an unbelievably layered, complex, and dynamic album the likes of which you cannot allow to pass you by no matter what!

This is exactly what I wanted to fucking find when I sat down at my computer today. “We Are Trees” is the perfect album to experience at the end of the day because it embodies the ebb and flow of nature itself, and is also a marvelous post rock album that even manages to incorporate some metal to make this a truly interesting and bring all new dynamics into the mix. The Last Sighs of the Wind have a fucking immaculate album to start off with! They couldn’t have a fucking better start to a possibly illustrious career as a band, and I can’t help but feel that these guys will return soon enough to blow our minds in ways that blow this one right out of the fucking water. You mark my words.


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引用 游客 2019-10-10 17:55
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引用 游客 2019-10-10 17:47
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