元气笔记之前po过Oasis的一首Live forever,当时还提及Don't look back in anger借鉴列侬的Imagine什么的blabla,不信你听听前奏,流笔哄哄不过还是满佩服2首曲子竟然是完全不同的风格向的。 话说Noel和Liam兄弟俩真的是超任性的综合体,演唱会一调不合就可以当场开骂开打!!甚至时至今日竟然依然暗暗互损...!!无论如何还是很希望他们能重组啦,Solar非常乐意看他们的奇闻异事哈哈,毕竟是这么有性格的人物2333。 现在就来填这个有点好听的经典坑,发这首 Don't Look Back In Anger!!!话说羊毛とおはな翻唱的版本也非常棒,温暖细腻,喜欢的话扒个节奏型留言给Solar哟! 呐呐,当你回望过去,无数回忆在眼前掠过,你会选择如何面对。而生活总要前行,或许,我们不能一直往回看发生了什么,而是不得不向前看。 下面附上羊毛とおはな大神的演绎&贴吧上扒来的歌词翻译,可以说是我见过以来非常棒的翻译版本了!!! - ^ ~ ^ - Slip inside the eye of your mind 你的眼睛里透着厌倦 Don't you know you might find 因为你已找不到 A better place to play 那个能实现梦想的地方 You said that you'd never been 当你说你放弃的时候 But all the things that you've seen 你所为之付出的所有努力 Will slowly fade away 都将消失的无影无踪 So I'll start the revolution from my bed 所以我将从床上开始一场** Cuz you said the brains I had went to my head 因为我们都要为未来而竞赛 Step outside the summertime's in bloom 家门之外是豪华的盛夏 Stand up beside the fireplace 站在火炉旁时 Take that look from off your face 火光映红了你的脸 You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out 你心中的希望就如那火焰般燃烧 So Sally can wait 恋人会为你等待 she knows its too late as we're walking on by 她知道即使你的醒悟太迟即使你已被所有人抛弃 Her soul slides away 她的青春渐渐凋零 but don't look back in anger 但我记得你说过 I hear you say 不要为往事而懊悔 Take me to the place where you go 带我去你所向往的地方 Where nobody knows 一个没人知道 if it's night or day 等待我们探索的地方 Please don't put your life in the hands 请不要把青春白白浪费 Of a Rock n Roll band 在摇滚乐团里 Who'll throw it all away 他们只会让你日渐沉沦 So I'll start the revolution from my bed 所以我将从床上开始一场** Cuz you said the brains I had went to my head 因为我们都要为未来而竞赛 Step outside the summertime's in bloom 家门之外是豪华的盛夏 Stand up beside the fireplace 站在火炉旁时 Take that look from off your face 火光映红了你的脸 You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out 你心中的希望就如那火焰般燃烧 So Sally can wait 恋人会为你等待 she knows its too late as we're walking on by 她知道即使你的醒悟太迟即使你已被所有人抛弃 Her soul slides away 她的热情渐渐消零 but don't look back in anger 但我记得你说过 I hear you say 不要为往事而懊悔 So Sally can wait 恋人会为你等待 she knows its too late as we're walking on by 她知道即使你的醒悟太迟即使你已被所有人抛弃 Her soul slides away 她的青春渐渐凋零 but don't look back in anger 但我记得你说过 I hear you say 不要为往事而懊悔 So Sally can wait 恋人会为你等待 she knows its too late as we're walking on by 她知道即使你的醒悟太迟即使你已被所有人抛弃 My soul slides away 我的青春渐渐凋零 but don't look back in anger 但我记得你说过 I hear you say 不要为往事而懊悔 At least not today 至少今天不要 “你得有雄心,要想着别墅,而不是蜗居。我们现在的目标是创作出披头士,T-Rex,果酱和尼尔·杨没写出的歌曲,比那些受地下丝绒影响的乐队要好多了。如果你不想跟披头士一样出名,那音乐对你来说就是个业余爱好。”—Noel ( ̀ ́)Don't look back in anger - oasis 本次收集的和弦:C/ G / Am / E/ F/ Em/ Fm 嘤嘤嘤,快快的学习一下, 用扫弦、分解和弦或者你喜欢的任何方式,一起来合奏吧! 哇!!!你弹琴的样子最好看了!!( ̀ ́) -------------------------------------------- |
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