你知道吗,世界上每生产7把吉他,就有1把来自正安! Do you know that almost one of the seven guitars has been produced in Zheng'an all over the world? 从名不见经传的小县城,到世界上最大的吉他生产基地,正安又经历了什么呢? From a small county with no reputation to the world's largest guitar manufacturing center, what has happened in Zheng'an County? 2012年以来,正安县通过筑巢引凤、招商引资,建立了全球最大的吉他生产制造基地。2021年正安吉他产销突破600万把,远销40多个国家和地区,研发注册自主品牌56个,正安县被中国轻工业联合会授予“中国吉他之都”称号。 Since 2012, Zheng'an County has established the world's largest guitar manufacturing base by formulate preferential policies and attracting investment. In 2021, sales volume of Zheng'an guitar broke the barrier of 6 million, exported to more than 40 countries and regions, developed 56 independent brands, and Zheng'an County was awarded the title of the "City of Chinese Guitar" by the China Light Industry Federation. 浩明、紫曦在正安吉他博物馆 2018年12月20日,大型原创音乐剧《吉它,吉他》在贵阳火爆开演,吸引了来自全国各地的音乐剧迷们。该剧就以正安县农民工子女返乡创业,打造世界知名吉它品牌为原型,用艺术呈现了他们开创多彩贵州新未来的故事。 On December 20, 2018, the original musical "Good Luck" was launched in Guiyang, attracting music fans from all over the country. The drama is based on the stories of starting business by returning to hometown of the next generation of rural migrant workers and create a world-renowned guitar brand prototype of the world in Zheng'an County. It creates a new future for Guizhou. 《吉它,吉他》剧照 目前该县的吉他除工厂批量生产外,还有一部分来自于手工制作。张维义老师是正安县的吉他制作大师,自2002年从事吉他制作以来,他一直潜心研究,至今已有20年。2021年,张维义工作室虽只制作了138把手工吉他,但产值却高达600多万元。 At present, most of Zheng'an guitars are produced in factories, and a small number of the guitars are handmade. Mr. Zhang Weiyi is a master of guitar production in Zheng'an. Since he has been engaged in guitar production in 2002, he has been devoting himself to making the guitar for 20 years. In 2021, his studio only produced 138 manual guitar, the output value was as high as more than 6 million yuan. 浩明、紫曦这次和张老师一起学习制作了手工吉他,没想到一把手工吉他竟然要经过一百多道步骤才能制作而成! Alobaidi Ameenmuneer and Zheng Zixi learned to make a guitar with Mr. Zhang. A handmade guitar has been made by more than 100 steps. 他们在学习吉他制作时遇到了哪些问题?浩明能得到一把属于自己的手工吉他吗?紫曦给浩明在吉他广场准备了什么惊喜呢? What problems did they have when learning making guitar? Can Alobaidi Ameenmuneer finally get a handmade guitar? What surprises did Zheng Zixi prepare for him in the guitar square? 出品:贵州卫视国际传播中心 部分参考资料:中国日报网、贵州音乐广播 撰稿:朱沁冰(实习) 摄影:李荩杰 翻译:靳阳 李秋辰 一审:张旖洵 二审:田胤星 李秋辰 三审:余晓莹 作者:动静新闻 想学吉他?想看更多精彩弹唱?想知道更多吉他弹奏技巧?赶快关注我们,进入《吉他之家》,这里的精彩无与伦比! |
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