据湖南湘潭市中级人民法院3月10日消息,一名拥有百万粉丝的网红歌手拒绝还债隐匿行踪,还打算开全国巡回演唱会。法院执行局跨省1300公里,蹲守16小时后将其控制。A livestream singer surnamed Yang was apprehended during her national tour after evading court-ordered debt repayment, said the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court in Hunan province on Monday.
杨某凭借独特的嗓音和直播平台的助力,走红网络。拥有百万粉丝。她开启全国巡回演唱会之旅,但选择隐匿行踪,试图逃避法院生效判决的债务偿还责任,让执行难度增加。Yang, known for her vocal talent and online fame, had concealed her whereabouts to avoid repaying debts under an effective court judgment.
湖南湘潭市雨湖区人民法院执行局得知其将在云南某地演出后,在演唱会开始前48小时,连夜制定“追星”方案,开启跨省执行之旅。执行团队通过某直播平台精准定位变更后的演出场馆及下榻酒店,运用大数据锁定杨某所乘坐的迈巴赫轿车。Upon learning about her scheduled concert in Yunnan province, the enforcement team of a court in Hunan province devised a cross-provincial operation, traveling 1,300 kilometers. Using livestream data and surveillance, they tracked her movements and venue details.

演唱会落幕,执行团队蹲守16小时。凌晨1时15分,执行团队驾驶民用车辆一路跟随,在杨某人车分离的1分钟内将其控制。After a 16-hour stakeout following the concert, authorities detained Yang at 1:15 am while she was getting out of her own vehicle.
经查明,杨某近一年巡演收入70余万元均用于偿还其他债务,却故意规避法院生效判决。凌晨5时,双方达成执行和解,杨某当场支付54万余元并承诺剩余金额分期履行。Investigations revealed she had diverted over 700,000 yuan from her yearlong tour earnings to settle other debts while intentionally dodging court-mandated obligations.By 5 am, a settlement was reached, with Yang paying 540,000 yuan upfront and pledging to repay the rest of the balance in installments.
鉴于杨某职业特性,征得申请人同意,法院暂时解除“限高”措施,并严正警示:若违反和解协议,法院将对其采取一切强制执行措施,直至以拒执罪移送。同时执行团队向杨某的经纪公司送达《协助执行通知书》,明确禁止为其提供高消费便利。The court temporarily lifted high consumption restrictions on Yang with the creditor's consent, but warned of severe penalties if she breaches the agreement. These potential penalties include criminal charges for refusal to enforce judgments. Her agency was also notified to cease facilitating luxury expenditures.