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2018-2-9 03:00:20| 发布者: redfree| 查看: 1289| 评论: 0

摘要: 点击上方蓝字订阅我们~吉他是“低级入门乐器”?吉他大师教你做人Feb8律动吉他人本文来自世界级的吉他大师AbrahamJoshuaWechter的访谈节目。这是一个很好的问题。首先,我认为,从某种程度上说,吉他确实是一个非常 ...







本文来自世界级的吉他大师Abraham Joshua Wechter的访谈节目。







That’s an excellent question. First ofall, I think, in a way, its true guitar is a very simple instrument. In thebeginning, it can be very simple, And what I mean by that, it’s possible withthe guitar to learn how to play just a few cords without becoming reallyprofession and playing complicated music, and you can go very far with that. Inanother way, you can enjoy playing music very very quickly with guitar, becauseit’s relatively easy to learn how to play and that’s a good thing.

At the same time, to become a reallyreally accomplished stunning guitar is very difficult. And so if you choose todevote yourself more seriously learning how t

o play guitar. It can be a lifelong journey as you continue to involve in your playing. It offersopportunities to play very easily in the beginning, but you can go very farwith that if you choose to. So it’s both true simple and easy instrument,butit can also be extremely challenge.

And it can be very rewarding that youcan go some of any different directions of the instrument, some of anydifferent kinds of music that you can play with guitar. I think it’s certainlyone of versatile instruments in contemporary music, so other point, I think is particularlytrue here in China. Many people tend to assume or associate classicmusic as being a kind of high quality or more involved type of music, and whileit’s true that classic music is very very beautiful and can be very complex. Thereare more improvisational styles that are particularly well suited for guitar.I’m referring more to jazz or pop or rock, I wouldn’t say that those styles areless challenging at all; there are great great jazz player, pop player and rockplayer too. so there pop rock and jazz style that also very very challenging.Personally I don’t consider that any less interesting or, you know,sophisticated or anything than some classic music. I think it’s true thatguitar can be very simple instrument and can be very challenging instrument inexploring any different style of music.

Ok, if you look at just traditionalclassic music as being very top, the most desirable kind of music. It’s truethat there is laminated number of pieces that is written for guitar. there aremany, but not as much as symphonic music, chamber music for violin family orother instrument, but there is a lot great classic written for guitar too, butthere also is a lot of great guitar playing for classic guitar, playing byimprovisation, which you are not just playing the certain notes that you arereading not just memorizing the music that you are play at. you are kind ofplaying it the original music as you are changing the music.

So a lot of great jazz player forexample, just playing a series of notes but as they play together they reactingeach other, they kind of speak back with each other. So that’s theimprovisational music. guitar is very well suited for improvisational playing. It’smuch more free, You can really care what you say classic music is better thanimprovisational music. in classic music, everything is written down compose theright music, and they will note it and then your job, the performer is tointerpret the music, but basically to play it as compose written, but inimprovisational music you are taking certain basic ideas, but your expressingyourself or your feeling or you kind of play the way you want play it, kind ofchange all or interact into musician and also to play together with the peoplewho doing the same thing, kind of conversation, so that the completelydifferent skill so there are some classic musician are very very technicallyand……skill some like unplugged performance at playing the music, but they havethe ability to improvise.

So I don't personally thinkimprovisational music as being less and stature than classic music, so if yousay it’s simple or kind of second grade instrument. I will say absolutely not,but if you judge it purely on the basis of how much classic music is writtenfor it. Yes it’s true there are more classic music written for violin familyinstruments. But I don’t consider that is the only way to judge whether themusic is high-quality or not. It doesn’t have to be the only classical. I loveclassical music, but I love a lot of different form of music, not justclassical.


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