FRETMONKEY - Geordie Little - Little Spencer Live @ Der Stock 2013 来自北美唱片厂牌FRETMONKEY的旗下吉他大师Geordie Little的一段视频现场,表演的歌曲名为《Little Spencer》 。 Geordie Little是现居柏林的一名澳大利亚原声吉他手。他开发出了自己独特的打击和手指吉他演奏的组合,他同时结合了旋律,泛音,和弦和打击乐,可以无缝地切换横着弹吉他和标准位置演奏。在这样做的过程中,Geordie以创新的风格和作品而闻名,并在格拉斯顿伯里,古代恍惚节,地球花园节,伦敦,布达佩斯,布拉迪斯拉发,柏林吉他之夜等演出中都取得了不俗的成绩,还在阿德莱德艺术狂欢节获得额三个独立的奖项。他是柏林声学吉他之夜,杂技公司FAUNA和音乐家权利组织柏林街音乐的联合创始人,并且爱好旅游,经常在欧洲和世界其他地区。 Geordie Little is an Australian acousticguitarist now based in Berlin. Having developed his own unique mix ofpercussive lap and fingerstyle guitar, he combines melodies, harmonics, chordsand percussion all at the same time, seamlessly switching mid-tune between lapand standard positions. In doing so, Geordie has developed a reputation for hisinnovative style and compositions, and has performed at events such asGlastonbury, Ancient Trance Festival, Earth Garden Festival, and the London,Budapest, Bratislava and Berlin Guitar Nights, and has won various awards atthree separate Adelaide Fringe Festivals. He is a co-founder of the BerlinAcoustic Guitar Nights, acrobatics company FAUNA, and musicians rightsorganisation Berlin Street Music, and maintains an extensive touring schedulethroughout Europe and the rest of the world. …………………………………………………… FRETMONKEY是来自北美的唱片厂牌,旗下签约全球众多吉他大师。 我们会每天推送旗下吉他大师们的视频,每周定期进行吉他大师直播SHOW。 欢迎大家扫描下方二维码关注我们。 国内FRETMONKEY旗舰店开业啦,扫描下方二维码,进店选购吧! |
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